Wednesday 3 June 2020

Twelfth Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19


Dear All

How long? That was the cry of the people in exile – and is perhaps now fast becoming our cry. How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? That was how the psalmist put it and, again, we may ask the same question about these strange times. I don’t think the answer is always easy, but I do think folk are coming up with some interesting and creative answers.

I also hope that this continuing weekly circulation of information continues to be helpful.  We are retaining all of the past ‘Coronavirus’ emailings, as well as associated and relevant documents, on the Synod Coronavirus blog -


PAUL WRITES: As lockdown experiences some relaxation, people are beginning – quite naturally – to look forward to a different time, and that is evidenced in some questions I am being asked or that I hear about. When will we be able to open our buildings for worship? Can we have weddings yet? Can we worship outside? Will we have to wear facemasks?

The answers to those questions, in case you are wondering, are these:

The timescale for opening buildings for worship – I don’t know, but the beginning of July at the absolute earliest, and with significant restrictions – but see further below.
Weddings – not yet, as far as I am aware.
Outside worship – no.
Facemasks – I don’t know.

But let me address the first of these further. The first thing to say is that we need to follow government guidance. The second important thing is that we are in a changing situation and we simply can’t put an exact time, or an exact set of conditions on where we will be at a particular moment. The third thing is that it seems likely that when buildings can re-open, there will be significant conditions with which we need to comply and, very possibly, other relevant issues. These may be worth some thought now.

So, how might you put social distancing in place? How will you arrange an appropriately thorough cleaning regime? How will you take account of the likelihood of some folk in vulnerable groups still having to stay away? Are there soft furnishings that would be better removed? Will you have to consider adjusting lettings or meetings because some groups may need a bigger space in order to comply with social distancing?

A key area is technology. Like many others, I have learned a lot about video conferencing, online worship etc. and the likes of Zoom and YouTube are now part of my everyday vocabulary, and my everyday experience. What are we doing for those who cannot access the technology, and who might experience lockdown for longer because of being vulnerable? How can we avoid their feeling even more isolated as some of us are able to begin to increase our (socially distanced) contact with others?

Also, to take a very different angle, what about those who have been included because of the technology? What do we need to do to ensure that we don’t exclude them again?   (I was talking to a colleague whose mother-in-law died recently. He commented how good it was that she had been able to go ‘back to church’ for the last six weeks, or so, of her life, having been unable to be there for several previous months – and it was all down to Zoom).

The ‘new normal’ document covers a variety of relevant angles. I do encourage you to begin, if you haven’t done so already, to think about these things.

With regard to the crunch question as to when buildings may begin to re-open, as I write, the answer, as already stated, is that I don’t know, but possibly from the beginning of July. However, nobody should take that as guaranteed as yet and, if it is permitted, I imagine that there will be stringent conditions to be met. And, dare I suggest, that it might be possible that some churches would actually choose to delay their opening further if significant numbers within the membership remain excluded for health reasons.

I recognise that some folk are saying that churches are needed and should be open. The church is open. It is just the buildings are closed. I think we need to say that clearly, and to tell people who suggest otherwise that the statistics we can get suggest that far more people are engaging with church than was the case pre-Covid 19.

For ease of access, the ‘new normal’ document is on the Synod blog –
- but if you want the ‘posh’ version (and a downloadable pdf) it is now on the main URC website -
Also, if you would like it hand – and more manageable – chunks, the South Western Synod have produced a helpful set of the different sections -


As mentioned last week, we have now put a list of churches within the Synod that are currently offering online worship on the blog. You can find it at -

This is not a complete list and if you are not it and would be happy to be added, please let the Synod Moderator know.

Three that were not there last week, so have been added are:

Hadleigh URC (Suffolk) - There is a mix of visual and audio hosted on our website (

Basildon and Bramerton Road Pastorate; live streamed Sunday Morning Service on Zoom at 10.30 am.  To join in worship email to for link and password.


The GEAR (Group for Evangelism and Renewal) Committee have become aware of the need to pray about the challenging situation many URC congregations, Synods and central staff are facing.  We are therefore launching a weekly prayer initiative and are inviting everyone across the United Reformed Church to join us.

To that end, we are asking if you would include the following notice in your next newsletter to provide the details of the initiative and invite all to join us in prayer for our denomination - initially for the six weeks in the run-up to what would have been the General Assembly planned for 10-13 July 2020. (General Assembly has now been cancelled, but there will be a one-day virtual Mission Council on 10 July.)

For more details go to - Pray4URC Letter


Throughout this time we have heard some really inspiring stories about how church leaders and teams are continuing to serve and support their church communities and beyond, including how those who are not online are being reached.  We have a minister offering ‘drive through’ pastoral meetings – conversations through open car windows when a phone call just won’t do; North Avenue’s Little Free Pantry has managed to get up and running again following an incident of vandalism and despite the restrictions, and is being well-supported by the community; one Area Partnership set up a cascade system from the beginning of the lockdown ensuring that every member in every church gets emailed or posted Home Worship materials each week, written in turn by its ministers and lay preachers; the leaders of a Fellowship Group are staying in touch with all members through weekly phone calls to each, and a printed weekly newsletter;  notelet ministries have sprung up, where messages of hope and love and worship are posted/delivered to those who are offline; time released is being used for monastic contemplation… there are also many, many excellent services, devotions, prayer meetings, and fun nights in, all online across the Synod.  Let us know your own stories for us to share and encourage others.


The Methodist Church have scheduled a series of webinars entitled ‘Mission Beyond Lockdown’.  To register and join use the following link:
They will be recorded and then available to view if you are not able to join them live.


….  is this week’s gospel reading, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”.  In a time when church looks rather different to normal what does this Commission look like to us? This video feels more relevant than ever:


This week Lindsey would have been preparing to represent the URC at CWM’s Annual
Members’ Meeting and General Assembly in Johannesburg.  Much of the work of these meetings has been brought online, and the elections for Moderator and Treasurer have already taken place.  We in Eastern Synod are thrilled that Revd Lydia Neshangwe, a dear friend from the Presbytery of Zimbabwe that many of you will have met, has been elected as Moderator of CWM for the next 4 years.  She is the first female Moderator of the partnership, and brings great experience of global partnerships, conciliation and wise judgement.  Please pray for the work of CWM as it wrestles with how to deliver its programmes in the current crisis.
Photo – Lydia with Paul at Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, July 2019.


Nicola has prepared a story and craft idea in a you tube clip which you can send out to your toddler groups or young church members.  This will be weekly resource and is especially for those children under five.  It is a great way to keep in contact as we are not able to meet up each week.

This week
Story time for under 5’s
‘God knows all about me’ 

ALL-AGE WORSHIP FOR NEXT SUNDAY – Trinity Sunday (7th June)

Families together at home

Go and make disciples! Matthew 28:16-20

Singing together
Seeds family worship ‘go’

Reading watching and listening together

Matthew 28:16-20
As you read the story pause where there is a star imagine what the scene would look like.  You could draw a picture or act out the scene.

Jesus’ eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee.* Jesus had told them to meet him on a mountain there and that is where they were heading.* As they approached the mountain, they saw the risen Jesus standing there and many of them worshipped him. But others doubted – they weren’t sure it was Jesus.*

Jesus came to them all and said, ‘I have been given all power in heaven and on earth.* So go from here. Tell people about God. Make disciples all over the world.* Baptize people in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.* Share with them all that I have taught you and help them to obey my commandments. And remember, I will always be with you, until the very end of time.’*

‘Go, and make disciples a story and reflection’ with Nicola

Creating together

You will need:
  • Blue paper cut into a circle
  • Green paint (washable)
  • Firm paper of card
  • Wax crayons or pastels

On the blue circle make two footprints with the green paint.  Cut a cross out of the card that will fit in the circle with your footprints.  Around the edge of the card colour with the crayons or pastels, as heavy as possible.  Place the card on your circle and hold firmly with one hand and smudge the crayons with your finger.  Carefully lift of the cross and you will be left with a rainbow effect outline.
Add words from the bible passage around the edge of you circle and then add some string to the stop so that you can hand it up

Praying together

Spread God’s love

You will need:
  • Kitchen roll cut into strips
  • Pens
  • A glass with about an inch of water

Think about a person you want to know Gods love.  Draw a a heart and a face or their initials on the strip of kitchen paper about 2 inches from the bottom.

Put the end of the strip in the water and pray that God will help you to show that person that you love them, and that God loves them.  Watch as the water slowly climbs up the paper and the ink in the heart spreads out to cover and absorb the initials.  This is a symbol of how you want your love and God's love to reach out to that person.
                        (Adapted from an Idea from the Flame creative kids Blog)

A prayer to say together

Hold up one finger then point up each time as you say:

One God,
present yesterday, present today,
present tomorrow.
One God,
in all, through all, everywhere.
One God,
powerful, gentle, holy.
We believe in you,
One God.

Playing together

Paint a heart on a stone and write a message ‘God loves you’.  On a walk place it on the doorstep of someone who you want to share Gods love with.

NOTE: This applies to everything, but might be particularly relevant to the all-age resources – if you want a paper copy of just part of the emailing – e.g to distribute the all-age resources, then it is probably easier to go to the blog (rather than use the pdf on the website) and you will find it easy to cut and paste.  Just ‘mark’ what you want (even just a picture) and you should be able to copy into a new Word document. The direct link for this week’s emailing is –


The worship “roadshows” continue, and we want to continue to promote them as a useful resource.

Please pass the information on. The advantage of this method is that the material is there when you want it. To find them, please go to the Synod YouTube channel and look for the video you want -
We are also happy to email (or post) the written script to anyone who would like to receive it, either instead of watching, or to accompany the watching.  If you would like to receive the emailed script, please email Lindsey to request it –  - If you, or anyone you know who doesn’t have email, would like a posted script, please let one of us know by phone or email. 

This week, number 6, (available Thursday 4th) presented by Nicola, focusses on all-age prayer in worship.


We are all doing various things in different ways in the virtual world of today.  Revd. Naomi Young-Rodas offers the virtual away day she led recently as a resource that could be used individually or in other ways.  We have posted it on the blog –

If anyone has other such ideas/offers, please send them to Paul.


There are revised versions of the Walking the Way Summer and Pentecost 2020 resources now available, with corrections made and some more great images from Elizabeth Gray-King added to the Pentecost resource to replace some of the more ‘bland’ ones.


Mondays 10.30-12.45, £15 per session.

Mark Argent and Lynsey Heslegrave are offering a series of online reflective groups for people in ministry in June and July 2020.

These draw on our backgrounds in spiritual direction and supervision and offer a space for people to reflect with others in ministry on their changing role in the world of Covid19, and on where God is in this.

As this is about reflecting on current experience, people will gain most from attending regularly. Each session is self-contained and people are welcome to attend for whichever sessions suit them. For more information or to book, please use the following links:
We're offering six sessions in the first instance, with the possibility of offering further sessions.


The 2020 TRiM conference is hoped will go ahead on 24 - 25 November 2020 at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, Norfolk as usual. Obviously this isn't certain and so rather than encouraging people to book their place, they are asking for expressions of interest to be sent to me. Once it is confirmed that the conference will go ahead, those on the list will be contacted and booking information sent so that they can confirm and pay for their place.This year John-Francis Friendship will (hopefully) be leading on ‘Flourishing in your vocation: ways to deepen your calling’. Lindsey can send a booking form if you are interested.  Bookings will be on a first come, first served basis.

Just a reminder that the coronavirus advice page on the URC website is being updated with resources and advice on a daily basis:

Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:

Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


One God,
present yesterday, present today,
present tomorrow.
One God,
in all, through all, everywhere.
One God,
powerful, gentle, holy.
We believe in you,
One God.     Amen.



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