Wednesday 27 May 2020

Eleventh Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19


Dear All

Sunday is Pentecost, and we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit in a new and special way.  Let’s rejoice, even, or maybe especially, in these times that we serve a great God and that uncertain times are in God’s hands.  Maybe we need to sing, as we used to when I ministered in Panama, ‘O let the power fall on me.’

We hope that this circulation continues to be helpful.  We are retaining all of the past ‘Coronavirus’ emailings, as well as associated and relevant documents, on the Synod Coronavirus blog -


One of the joys of this time is the opportunity to share in worship in all sorts of places.  We mentioned some of the URC, and partcularly Eastern Synod, opportunities in early emailings.  As the weeks have passed, it seems worth revisiting this and also posting on the blog a list, that can be updated, of services.  So, this information is repeated at -

There is a long list of URCs offering online worship posted on the main URC website –

This includes the service produced each week by the URC’s Daily Devotions –

Churches from Eastern Synod on this list include:

Cambridge, Downing Place; recorded act of worship on YouTube

Colchester, Plume Avenue URC; live streamed services on Facebook

Ipswich and East Suffolk United Reformed Churches; recorded services on YouTube

Linton Free Church, live stream of services on Zoom and recorded on YouTube. Details on website

Norwich and Area URCs; visual and audio recordings of services on website 

Sawston Free Church, Cambridgeshire; audio recordings of sermons on website

Witham URC, video and audio recordings of services via website -  (Scroll down on home page for video and scroll down worship page for audio only)

Other churches within the Synod offering online worship – and this is not an exhaustive list – include:

Cambourne, recorded act of worship on YouTube -
Also, see the Cambourne version of ‘The Blessing’

Chelmsford, Christ Church, video sermons available via the website -

Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area – downloadable resource available via the website -

St Ives Free Church, video worship available via the website – - look for ‘Worship at Home’

West Suffolk United Reformed Churches – recorded act of worship on YouTube -

If you are not on this list and would be happy to be added, please let the Synod Moderator know.

Other services from other denominations are also readily available, as is worship provided by radio and television.


The worship “roadshows” continue, and we want to continue to promote them as a useful resource.

Please pass the information on. The advantage of this method is that the material is there when you want it. To find them, please go to the Synod YouTube channel and look for the video you want -
We are also happy to email (or post) the written script to anyone who would like to receive it, either instead of watching, or to accompany the watching.  If you would like to receive the emailed script, please email Lindsey to request it –  - If you, or anyone you know who doesn’t have email, would like a posted script, please let one of us know by phone or email. 

This week, number 5, (available Thursday 28th) presented by Lindsey, focusses on prayer worship.


Just a reminder that we have now postponed Eastern Synod’s Big Day Out, scheduled for June 13th. We are currently exploring provisional dates for a re-scheduled event in 2021, and will announce that over the next few weeks.


At the moment we are hoping to hold the next Synod Meeting (10th October, Christ Church, Braintree). That will be kept under review, but is the current intention.


I would like to again refer to the “Ready for the new “normal”” document.

Mostly, we are not yet thinking of re-opening buildings. The current advice remains that this might be the beginning of July at the earliest.  However, it is not too early to begin to think through some of the implications.  The document includes a lot of practical tips.  Please think about whether you need to do a risk assessment in respect of any, or all, activities.  (The answer is probably ‘yes’.)  And please contact us if you think we can offer any support or advice.  We don’t have all the answers, but we can help address any questions.

For ease of access, the document is on the Synod blog –
- but if you want the ‘posh’ version (and a downloadable pdf) it is now on the main URC website -
Also, if you would like it hand – and more manageable – chunks, the South Western Synod have produced a helpful set of the different sections -


There are revised versions of the Walking the Way Summer and Pentecost 2020 resources now available, with corrections made and some more great images from Elizabeth Gray-King added to the Pentecost resource to replace some of the more ‘bland’ ones.

(related to next Sunday – PENTECOST May 31)

Materials for Pentecost for All ages and Families at home

A bible story for Pentecost Read and Illustrated by Nicola from the Jesus Story Book Bible

Friends on Faith Adventures @home – Pentecost Power
This is a weekly resource and this week is focussing on Pentecost.  It is packed full of ideas for families at home with stories, crafts, games, prayers activities and lots more.
The ‘Pentecost Power’ resource will be published on Thursday following this link

Roots materials

All Age worship for Pentecost

The Children and youth CYDO+ team have worked together on All age worship for Pentecost and the service will be made available from 9am on Sunday 31st May. 

Join the Children's and Youth Work CYDO+ team in intergenerational worship at 9am on Sunday 31 May as we celebrate Pentecost together. The service will remain available to watch on our YouTube channel.… #URC Youth


A virtual Pentecost Communion service, between the United Reformed Church (URC) and the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz (Protestant churches of the Palatinate region of Germany), will be held on Saturday 30 May.
The service, taking place via Zoom, will be led by both the Revd Philip Brooks, URC Secretary for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, and Pfarrer Martin Henninger, Minister of the Lutherkirche in Frankenthal, who is also the Convener of the Friends of the URC of the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz.

The service will be conducted in English and German and takes place at 5pm (BST, 6pm in Germany).

The Revd Philip Brooks said: “Thanks to the long-standing partnership between the two churches, this service offers a unique opportunity to share in fellowship between the UK and Germany in the face of a global crisis. Celebrating Pentecost together in this way feels particularly apt. We hope that members from German and UK churches, regardless of whether they have a twinning arrangement or not, will log on for the service.”

Choir members and musicians from the Lutherkirche in Frankenthal, will be recording two well-known hymns especially for the service, and the Revd John Proctor, General Secretary of the URC will offer a Pentecost message, as will his counterpart Manfred Sutter from the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz.
As this is a digital service, please have a small glass of wine (or juice) and a piece of bread ready if you would like to receive communion. However, this is not compulsory. You can simply observe if you feel more comfortable doing that.
People are also invited to socialise after the service using the Zoom breakout room facility.

Take part in the service here, and use these log-in details when prompted: meeting ID: 949 1669 8036, password: 941242.


Mondays 10.30-12.45, £15 per session.

Mark Argent and Lynsey Heslegrave are offering a series of online reflective groups for people in ministry in June and July 2020.

These draw on our backgrounds in spiritual direction and supervision and offer a space for people to reflect with others in ministry on their changing role in the world of Covid19, and on where God is in this.

As this is about reflecting on current experience, people will gain most from attending regularly. Each session is self-contained and people are welcome to attend for whichever sessions suit them. For more information or to book, please use the following links:
We're offering six sessions in the first instance, with the possibility of offering further sessions.


The 2020 TRiM conference is hoped will go ahead on 24 - 25 November 2020 at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, Norfolk as usual. Obviously this isn't certain and so rather than encouraging people to book their place, they are asking for expressions of interest to be sent to me. Once it is confirmed that the conference will go ahead, those on the list will be contacted and booking information sent so that they can confirm and pay for their place.This year John-Francis Friendship will (hopefully) be leading on ‘Flourishing in your vocation: ways to deepen your calling’. Lindsey can send a booking form if you are intetested.  Bookings will be on a first come, first served basis.

Just a reminder that the coronavirus advice page on the URC website is being updated with resources and advice on a daily basis:

Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:

Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


God of life,
you have promised to be with us every day,
also in difficult days, like in times like these.
Give us
clarity in our minds,
strength in our work and discernment,
rest as we sleep,
peace in our minds.
Be with those
who need help
more than we do ourselves
help us to see what we can offer
from your love.  Amen.



Online Worship


There is a long list of URCs offering online worship posted on the main URC website –

This includes the service produced each week by the URC’s Daily Devotions –

Churches from Eastern Synod on this list include:

Cambridge, Downing Place; recorded act of worship on YouTube

Colchester, Plume Avenue URC; live streamed services on Facebook

Ipswich and East Suffolk United Reformed Churches; recorded services on YouTube

Linton Free Church, live stream of services on Zoom and recorded on YouTube. Details on website

Norwich and Area URCs; visual and audio recordings of services on website 

Rayleigh, Christ Church and the Bridgwater Drive Church live-stream our 10am Sunday service on the Christ Church facebook page, then usually uploaded to the Christ Church website:  

Sawston Free Church, Cambridgeshire; audio recordings of sermons on website

West Essex and Bishop's Stortford (including Stansted and Saffron Walden) offering live services via Zoom, email for details.

Witham URC, video and audio recordings of services via website -  (Scroll down on home page for video and scroll down worship page for audio only)

Other churches within the Synod offering online worship – and this is not an exhaustive list – include:

Basildon and Bramerton Road Pastorate; live streamed Sunday Morning Service on Zoom at 10.30 am.  To join in worship email to for link and password

Billericay, Brentwood & Ingatestone URCs - Sunday Services are uploaded to YouTube -

Cambourne, recorded act of worship on YouTube -
Also, see the Cambourne version of ‘The Blessing’

Chelmsford, Christ Church, video sermons available via the website -

Colchester, Lion Walk, Christ Church, and Chappel ; video worship available via the website:

Hadleigh URC (Suffolk) - There is a mix of visual and audio hosted on our website (

Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area – downloadable resource available via the website -

Norwich, Bowthorpe Church - offering online services available at

St Ives Free Church, video worship available via the website – - look for ‘Worship at Home’

West Suffolk United Reformed Churches – recorded act of worship on YouTube -

Wroxham and Hoveton are offering online worship at:

If you are not on this list and would be happy to be added, please let the Synod Moderator know.

Other services from other denominations are also readily available, as is worship provided by radio and television.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Tenth Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19


Dear All

Life continues through interesting and challenging times. Much remains uncertain. We might hope that the lifting of some restrictions heralds further movement in that direction, but that is dependent on how the virus (and people) behave. We need to wait and see.

Meantime we hope that this circulation continues to be helpful.  We are retaining all of the past ‘Coronavirus’ emailings, as well as associated and relevant documents, on the Synod Coronavirus blog -


The worship roadshows or, as they have become, mini ‘stay-at-home’ sessions continue.

Please pass the information on to anyone who might be interested and may not yet know. The advantage of doing it this way is that it stays and you can catch up. To find them, please go to the Synod YouTube channel and look for the video you want -
We are also happy to email (or post) the written script to anyone who would like to receive it, either inand stead of watching, or to accompany the watching.  If you would like to receive the emailed script, please email Lindsey to request it –  - If you, or anyone you know who doesn’t have email, would like a posted script, please let one of us know by phone or email. 

This week’s, number 4, (available Thursday 21st) presented by Paul, explores pitfalls and practicalities in leading worship.


Inevitably, we have now postponed Eastern Synod’s Big Day Out, scheduled for June 13th. We are currently exploring provisional dates for a re-scheduled event in 2021, and will announce that over the next few weeks.


At the moment we are hoping to hold the next Synod Meeting (10th October, Christ Church, Braintree). That will be kept under review, but is the current intention.


I would like to again refer to the “Ready for the new “normal”” document.

As we look to what might move us into the future, the question that I seem to be asked most just now is around the possible re-opening of nursery school and playgroup provision. I have therefore prepared some advice. This is to be found at -

Beyond that, unless you already have this under way, I would encourage you to begin thinking about some of the issues raised in that document. I would suggest that some thought around the first questions posed in the document would be useful.

So, reproducing page 6 –

To ponder and discuss during the lockdown days
In terms of church life,
is there anything:
• Good/valuable that you would like to continue and develop through this phase?
• That you have thought, ‘I wonder if we could try this…?’ as lockdown continues?

To ponder and discuss as we prepare to emerge from lockdown
As you look forward to lockdown being ended, how do you respond to the following statements?

You might like to indicate your strength of feeling, positive or negative, with a score of 0 to 5 by the comment, or draw appropriate “smiley” faces to indicate warmth or coolness towards the idea, or express your neutrality.

• “We return to being church in our traditional/established ways as soon as possible.”
• “We recognise that health and social restrictions will be with us for a long time and so we cannot do what we’ve always done at least for a long time.”
• “Our return is governed by what is financially possible, appreciating that our wider church life’s sustainability may have been stretched.”
• “Our return, along with practical considerations on social distancing, will be shaped by discerning God’s new mission for us in the post-lockdown context, (1) locally, and (2) as a denomination.”
• “We learn from the lessons of the lockdown days, mindful that some churches have been able to reach parts of the community that traditional ministry didn’t touch, including (but not only) through worship offered online.”

Can we see the challenges and opportunities for ministry in each of these scenarios?

And for ease of access, the document is on the Synod blog –
- but if you want the ‘posh’ version (and a downloadable pdf) it is now on the main URC website -
Also, if you would like it hand – and more manageable – chunks, the South Western Synod have produced a helpful set of the different sections -


An Invitation to anyone working with Children and young people in any aspect of ministry. 
Nicola will be hosting a Zoom meeting Wednesday 27th May 2.30pm.  A great opportunity to have a chat and to share ideas.
I look forward to seeing you. Nicola
Nicola Grieves is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 546 192 3407
Password: 0MSt4q


ALL-AGE WORSHIP RESOURCES (related to next Sunday – May 24)

Families at Home - Thy Kingdom Come

This week sees the start of The Thy Kingdom Come Global wave of Prayer, journeying from Ascension to Pentecost.

A gathering prayer to say together
As a sprinkling of notes can bring music to a lonely silence;
as a sprinkling of words can bring warmth to an empty heart;
as a sprinkling of rain can bring wonder to the petal of a rose;
as a sprinkling of light can bring a rainbow to a dark sky;
as a sprinkling of snow can bring magic to a tired garden,
so may our sprinkling of prayers bring the love of God into our world afresh.  

Singing together
A song to sing and dance to, you might like to make up some actions
Saddleback kids - Lord’s prayer

Reading, watching and listening together
Bible reading Matthew 6:1-6
Matthew 6:9-13 International Children’s Bible (ICB)
So when you pray, you should pray like this:
‘Our Father in heaven,
we pray that your name will always be kept holy.
We pray that your kingdom will come.
We pray that what you want will be done,
    here on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us the food we need for each day.
Forgive the sins we have done,
    just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us.
 And do not cause us to be tested;
but save us from the Evil One.’
    [The kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever. Amen.]

A visual retelling and reflection with Nicola

Praying together
Here is the Lord’s prayer signed in Makaton
It is a great way to pray together and if you are linked up by video you can say with the people who you cannot be together with just now.

Emotion Stones
We can talk to God no matter how we are feeling.
‘Do not worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need. And when you pray, always give thanks. And God’s peace will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The peace that God gives is so great that we cannot understand it’ Philippians 4:6 (ICB)

Draw the different feelings on some small stones.  If you don’t have any stones you can draw faces on card circles
Place the stones in a bowl sitting together take it in turns to take a stone from the bowl.  As
you hold the stone in your hand talk to God about how you are feeling.  It might be someone else that you know that is feeling sad, angry, worries etc and you can pray for them.  As a reminder that God is always with put a stone in your pocket and carry it with you.

Prayers to say together

When we are worried,
Lord, teach us to pray.
When things frighten us,
Lord, teach us to pray.
When others are hurting,
Lord, teach us to pray.
When we want to thank you,
Lord, teach us to pray.
When we don’t understand what is happening to us
or in our world,
Lord, teach us to pray.
Wherever we are, whatever we are doing,
Lord, teach us to pray. Amen.

Through acts of loving kindness,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.
Through care for those in need,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.
Through friendship shown to lonely people,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.
Through keeping asking awkward questions,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.
Through never giving up on those who feel lost,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.
Through constant care, and persistent prayer,
your Kingdom come, your will be done.

Creating Together
A reflective song to listen too while you make your craft
Hillsong – The Lord’s Prayer

Five prayers I pray
You will need card and coloured pens

Draw round your hand and cut it out. Decorate your cut out hand and write the five different types of prayers on the fingers. 
Find somewhere quite to sit and hold the hand you have made.  Use this to help you talk to God starting with your thumb and ending with your little finger.


Prayer chain
Cut out two small hands and make holes either side of the cut-out hands.  Taking the one of
the hands thread string through the holes and secure with a knot. Cut out heart shapes and thread them onto the string.  You can thread as many hearts as you like.  As you put the hearts on the string think about the people and things you would like to pray about.  Write or drawer on the hearts and then secure the second hand at the end of the string.  Hang the prayer chain in the window.  Gather as a family together around the window and share your prayers together.  You can join in a big Amen at the end.

Playing together
Make and eat pretzels together as a visual reminder to pray.
You will need: 1 teaspoon instant yeast; 1 tablespoon brown sugar; 3 cups all-purpose unbleached/bread flour; 1 teaspoon coarse salt; 1 cup warm milk; 1 whisked egg and baking sheet.
 Mix the yeast, sugar, flour and milk in a bowl until it forms a ball. Take the ball out and knead by hand for 5-10 minutes.
Divide the dough into six pieces and roll each of them into a long thin roll.
Cover the rolls with a towel and let the dough relax for 5-10 minutes.
Take the ends of the rolls and fold inwards to form a pretzel shape.
Place the pretzels on a baking sheet and brush with the whisked egg. Sprinkle salt on top.
Bake in a pre-heated oven (220 degrees /gas mark 7) for 15 minutes until golden brown.
Eat while warm.     
© ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.


The Joint Public Issues Team is doing significant work around public and social issues. This is constantly changing, and they are regularly updating the information they are providing. If you want to see the latest version, it is available on the Synod blog -

Just a reminder that the coronavirus advice page on the URC website is being updated with resources and advice on a daily basis:

Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:

Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


God, our rock and shield, we pray for our land, and all nations and places in our world, as many endure the effects of the illness Covid-19 and the Coronavirus pandemic.

For those who are ill, grant healing;
for those who mourn the death of loved ones, bring comfort;
for those who care for the sick, grant strength and endurance;
for those who are isolated or whose livelihoods are threatened, give courage and hope;
for all who take difficult decisions, from governments to health practitioners, give wisdom and compassion to accompany the knowledge and experience that they bring.

Deliver us from this disease, we pray, and enable all nations and communities to grow in collaboration and unity as we face this challenge together.

Grant a legacy of enduring common purpose in facing all that threatens our global common good.

We pray in Jesus' name, in the unity of the Spirit, Amen.