Tuesday 5 May 2020

Eco Church Bronze Award - The Cornerstone - Southend-on-Sea

In March 2020 The Cornerstone, Southend was awarded the Bronze Award from Eco Church. As a newish building that already had many sustainable features such as double glazing, solar panels and source pump heating we realised that this was something we could do. Upon completing the survey we looked at changes we could make relatively easily. We are encouraging all users of our buildings to recycle with signs and bins in all areas. A recent appeal to start collecting crisp packets has been successful. We encourage those using the kitchen to think about Fairtrade, organic or locally sourced food. Our young people have been eager to engage with this subject and have come up with some great suggestions.

The survey was excellent in showing us that we were already doing many things to help the congregation  engage more deeply with stewardship of God’s world. However, it also became apparent that there is still so much to do, especially in the area of Community and Global Engagement and Lifestyle. These are two of the five areas you are asked to compete in the survey by Eco Church. 

The others are:
-Worship and Teaching
-Management of Church Buildings
-Land (if you do not have land then this does not need to be completed)

We are aware that some changes may take time or are just not possible for us. We will be using the survey to make an action plan so we can work towards the Silver Award.

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