Wednesday 25 November 2020

Thirty-Third Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19



Dear All


With the latest changing and Christmas information, blessings as we each consider the challenge of what is possible, but also what is sensible. Just because you can do something does not necessarily mean that it is a good idea to do it. Equally, it is right to consider carefully whether we should do what we can.


The weekly briefing is posted on the Synod website and on the blog, so there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


Best wishes





These are to be found on the Synod YouTube channel -


Number 9 will be posted this week – reflecting on an intergenerational approach to Sharing Resources. Next week we move to the final ‘habit’ of this series – and the first of three reflections on ‘eating together’.



Matt Rigden, who has been doing a placement at Kelevedon and Tiptree, has prepared a ‘tool’ which just might help you reflect on your worshipping in a helpful way when you are worshipping online. You can find it at –



Families at Home  Advent 1

Story Time for the Under fives – Getting ready

Getting Ready

Gathering prayer

Lord of the light, Lord of the darkness,
Lord of the day, Lord of the night,
call us to you,
whether we are happy or sad,
whether we are ready or not,
call us to you.


Singing together

Soon and Very Soon - YouTube

Watching, reading, and listening together

All Age  Talk First Sunday of Advent – The Prophets with Nicola

 Advent 1


From URC Advent Box Resource


Yellow is a bright colour, like a candle flame shining in the night. Over thousands of years there was hope in the darkness: the voices of prophets declaring the Light to come, promises that God had not forgotten us. Their words shine brightly in the darkness, illuminating the path of hope ahead: ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.’ Isaiah 9:2 ‘The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son, and she will name him Immanuel (which means God with us).’ Isaiah 7:14


Mark 13.24-37 – Waiting in the dark

Keep watching,’ said Jesus. ‘Nobody knows when the Son of Man will come back to earth. Not even the angels, or the Son. The Father knows, though, and he will send clues.

‘Keep watching. There will be days of suffering; after that the sun will be darkened; the moon will stop shining; stars will fall and the powers in heaven will be shaken. Then the Son of Man will come in the clouds. He’ll gather his chosen people from everywhere on earth.

‘Keep watching,’ Jesus said. ‘I’m telling you all this so you’ll be ready. When you see new shoots growing on the trees, you know summer is coming. When you see the things I’ve described, you’ll know that the Son of Man is coming. Heaven and earth will come to an end, but my words will last for ever.

‘Keep watching. Be ready. Imagine a man going on a trip and leaving his servants in charge of his house. They don’t know when he’s coming back, but they know when he gets home he’ll want something to eat and expect the house to be in order. The doorkeeper will have to stay awake because the man may return in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock crows in the morning. If the servants doze off, he’ll come home and find them asleep.

‘That’s why I say keep watching,’ Jesus repeated. ‘Keep awake.’


Praying together

Yellow – promises of hope

The prophets shared messages from God their words are promises of hope. The prophets listened to and talked with God, they travelled, going where God had sent them and passed on God's messages.


Stop look and listen

Cut out the images and make them into cards.

Turn the cards face down on the table and as a family take it in turns to pick up a card.

Here are some things to think about as you turn the cards

Ear - Listen What can you hear?

Eye - Look what can you see?

Feet - Where will you travel?

Hand - What will you be doing?

Mouth – Who might you be talking to?


Light a candle and say together


Dear God

Thank you for your bright shining light,

help us to notice all that is around us

and all that you have given us.

Help us to be speak words of kindness

and to listen to each other.



Creating together

Advent Wreath

Draw around your hand to make a template and then cut out lots of your hand prints in green card.  You can use different colours of green or you could make them on white card and colour them in.  Make four candles one for each Sunday of advent.  Cut a circle out of white paper to make the base and stick your hand prints around the outside to make a wreath.  Add a candle to your wreath each Sunday during advent. 





A Conversation Monday 30th November 2pm-4pm

The previous date for this Conversation was postponed.  How has the most recent lockdown affected you? How are you feeling about other national and global events? How are you approaching Christmas at this time? How are you supporting others who are struggling? Join us for an informal chat to share ideas for managing and thriving in these difficult times. Email Lindsey for a link.

Christmas: A Conversation Tuesday 1st December 2.30pm

Join Nicola and Lindsey to share ideas on doing Christmas differently.  Email Lindsey for a link.

Online Communion: Tuesday 1st December, 7.30pm

The Moderator and Lindsey will be leading a session for Ministers and authorised Lay Presidents for help and ideas for sharing communion online.  Email Lindsey to register.

Exploring Eldership and Church Leadership

Following on from our overview of the role of Elder / Trustee in our churches. Suitable for all those in team leadership: ministers, stewards, deacons, elders and more. Online; max 90 minutes.  Please email Lindsey to register.


  • Local Church and Mission                           January 7th          7.30pm
  • Local Church and Worship                          January 13th        7.30pm
  • Local Church and Pastoral Care                 January 20th        7.30pm
  • Church Secretary Training                          January 27th        7.30pm


Other Events (please also check the Synod website


Council for World Mission (Europe) Monday 30th November, 2pm

The second webinar on the theme of Building Life-Flourishing Communities: Youth and Mission, led by Victoria Turner.   Register by emailing

Eco Church?  Thinking about it? Interested in the implications of the Climate Crisis and what we can do about it?

The Synod of Wales is hosting a series of webinars, journeying with churches who are passionate about Creation.  You are invited to join any of their sessions, “And God said…”; please see the flyer on the Synod website for details of the next one, on December 2nd, file:///C:/Users/Lindsey%20Brown/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/L1LXDKGK/Flier%20for%20And%20God%20said%20one%20another%20Dec%202020.pdf.


The Dunamis Project

  • Emmanuel: God with us: a a 90-minute special Christmas Zoom event, including worship, prayer, Bible readings, and some short teaching about how the Holy Spirit has always been present from Genesis to Revelation, in particular through the Christmas Story. Thursday 17 December @ 7.30pm.  Register to receive your personal access link to the Zoom calls (80 spaces available). Go to
  • “Gateways to Empowered Ministry” was held at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, Bungay, in March 2020.  That was the week that led into lockdown and all that has followed! The continuation with session 2 “In the Spirit’s Power” would have been September, but was put off to March, and again to May 2021. Places can be booked now. With the whole of society ‘shaken’ by what we are going through, I believe we – the church – will need more than ever to be empowered by the Holy Spirit for what will be ahead. We need to be ready to help those journeying through re-discovering God’s relevance in real everyday life. A society that has largely ignored God and promoted self-sufficiency may well be full of those needing to encounter God through the church.  Might engaging with this event be an ideal way for many of us to prepare? To book a place or find out more go to or contact Ada Fidder-Boutkan 07940 823135


Further Christmas and Advent Resources

Ideas from around the Synod:

Plus new this week: Bowthorpe Church in Norwich have a number of creative Christmas events planned, including a Community Christmas Quiz, a Christmas Eve ‘walkaround’ Christingle at the end of which visitors can pick up the materials for creating their own at home; a outdoor Carol Service and a Light Show.  What are you up to, to draw close your own congregation and reach out to the community?  Let us know…


Yorkshire and Mersey Synods have put together their own resource sheet for ideas for Christmas, you can find it here:





The URC’s Mission Council met last week when business included three particularly important issues:


SINGLE USE PLASTICS – Usage has increased very significantly during the pandemic. Some of this has been entirely necessary, but there is a need to consider carefully as to where adjustments and reductions in the use of single use plastic can be made. More information at


CUTTING THE AID BUDGET – Strong concern was expressed over the possibility of the government reducing the budget for overseas aid, with a clear feeling that these difficult times make it even more important to maintain this commitment to our oversea neighours. More information at


WORKING TOWARDS BEING AN ANTI-RACIST CHURCH – The need to actively challenge racism was seen and recognised. Inequalities persist in our day, and need to be challenged.




Are you inspired by the vision of Christians of different traditions working together?

 Are you a great networker, solution-finder and administrator?

 If so, this post may be for you.

£10,106 plus 10% pension contribution

home based, 15 hours a week

 Each successful applicant will be a lay or ordained member in good standing of a Church eligible for membership of Churches Together in England or of Cambridgeshire Ecumenical Council.

Further information and application form from:

Sue Drane –

or ring Paul Whittle on 07534 274668

 Closing date for applications: 3 December 2020, 4.30pm.

 Interviews will be held on 10th December 2020

These will take place at:

URC Synod Office, United Reformed Church, Duxford Road, Whittlesford CB22 4ND

or by Zoom

 An Occupational Requirement exists for the post-holder to be a Christian in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –




by Firell Parker


Great God, we find ourselves wondering ….

  what happens next? Will everything go back to normal?

And what does that even mean?

What’s normal?

Working …

more and more isolated

while “socialising” through ever-new forms of media.

But isn’t that what we have been doing anyway?

Has that much really changed?


Has being inside for so long made us realise

that “normal” was really not that good after all?

Perhaps – just perhaps – this is an opportunity to

take stock, take notice

and make the changes that are needed

for body, for mind

and for life.               Amen.



Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:


Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


Online Worship Reflection

For a "better" version of this for downloading and/or printing, please go to -


Wednesday 18 November 2020

Thirty-Second Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19




Dear All


As we continue to face the Covid challenge, may God guide and bless you.  It is great to hear of so many innovative initiatives.  Keep it up.  I hope our weekly briefings continue to be of use.


This briefing is posted on the Synod website and on the blog each week, so there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


Best wishes





The first eight are now on the Synod YouTube channel -


We are taking a break this week, so number 9 will be posted next week – and then moving on to the final ‘habit’ of this series – and offering three reflections on ‘eating together’.




Story time for the Under fives – Who Is God? - with Lindsey.     Who Is God?


All-Age Worship  - A reflection on ‘God Is’ with Nicola -


God is… a whisper

God is at work all around us even if we don’t see it. God is in the big things but also in the very small even in whisper.

Find some leaves and leave them to dry on a piece of kitchen paper.  

Take some leaves and hold them in your hand feel how fragile and delicate they are. Know that God is in all things. God is at work all around us even if we don’t see it. God is in the big things but also in the very small.

Use the leaves to create a picture on your window. Use some cling film or sticky back plastic and stick the four corners lightly to the window so that the light can shine through. 


As an alternative you could make your picture on a piece of paper.


Prayers stones

Find some stones as flat as possible so that the stones will stack together.  Write on words that help you think about God.  For example:

God is rock

God is love

God is Hope

God is Joy

God is peace

God is our tears.


Take the stones and find somewhere quiet to talk to God.  As you place each stone ask god to be with you. When you are sad , when you need strength, when things seem impossible, when you are confused and angry, when you are happy.  Place the stones somewhere you will see them and where others can see them too.


Our God is a great big God




In Autumn 2019 the Mission and Training Team led a Gift Day for lay preachers on the theme of Advent.  We put together an intergenerational resource pack for participants to take away with lots of liturgy, worship ideas and service outlines.  Advent looks very different this year, and there is no shortage of resources available, but if anyone is interested in this pack then please contact Lindsey.  We also have a list of creative ways our churches are approaching Christmas on the website:



As the government continues to negotiate the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, it is worth reminding ourselves that we are not ‘leaving Europe’!  Timely, perhaps, to remind ourselves of two of our significant links with the continent.  On the United Reformed Church’s website you can find out more about our links with the Protestant church in the Palatinate region of Germany and the Waldensian Churches in Italy:  A number of our Synod churches have links with these partners; you can find out more from Wendy Cooper of the Faith in Action group.  Wendy is also our Commitment for Life advocate: please contact her for updates on this important URC partnership with Christian Aid.




ONLINE COMMUNION: Tuesday 1st December, 7.30pm

Are you looking for help and ideas for sharing communion online?  The Moderator and Lindsey will be leading a session for Ministers and authorised Lay Presidents.  Email Lindsey to register.



.. are hosting a series of webinars on the theme of Building Life-Flourishing Communities, on Monday afternoons.  Please see the information on these at  for more details and share freely with others.  Having heard them speak a number of times I would thoroughly recommend the first session, led by URC minister Alex Clare Young.  The others promise to be equally thought-provoking.  Register by emailing



Thinking about it? Interested in the implications of the Climate Crisis and what we can do about it?

The Synod of Wales is hosting a series of webinars, journeying with churches who are passionate about Creation.  You are invited to join any of their sessions, “And God said…”; please see

for details of the next one, on December 2nd and email to register and obtain the Zoom link.



Following on from our overview of the role of Elder / Trustee in our churches. Suitable for all those in team leadership: ministers, stewards, deacons, elders and more. Online; max 90 minutes.  Please email Lindsey – - to register.

·       Local Church and Mission                           January 7th          7.30pm

·       Local Church and Worship                          January 13th        7.30pm

·       Local Church and Pastoral Care                 January 20th        7.30pm

·       Church Secretary Training                          January 27th        7.30pm



This workshop is designed for church leaders, both lay and ordained, and those in training. Participants will explore a wide range of science and faith issues and think about their relevance in the context of the local church.

The workshop will be held 8-9 January 2021, as an online Zoom meeting.

It will cost £50 (£30 for those training for ministry). For more details, go to:



Saturday 27th February and Saturday 2nd October 2021

Have you ever considered a ministry of some sort, lay or ordained?  Has someone suggested it to you? Are you exploring a possible Call?  These Enquirers’ events will be held online on the dates above, with an invitation to visit a college afterwards for more information, if desired.  They will seek to include a variety of ministries and ways that are possible, within the URC, to respond to a Call to ministry.



25 November – 10 December - 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence  - Find out more here  

1 December  - World Aids DayDiscover more here

10 December - UN Human Rights DayFind information here

18 December - UN International Migrants DayFind out more here  



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –






God of healing,

Surround us with your love as together we negotiate the complexities of coronavirus.

Guide us all as we seek to support one another. Help us to be attentive to the lonely, the isolated, the fearful and those who are ill.

Mindful of the geographical isolation of many rural communities, we pray for everyone involved in the effective provision of food, medical supplies and pastoral care.

In the name of Jesus Christ, who walks alongside us in our difficulties.




Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:



Our prayers and our best wishes,


PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


Building Life Flourishing Communities Webinars


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Thirty-First Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19




Dear All


Blessings with the continuing challenges of these days.  I hope this weekly circulation continues to contribute positively to the sharing of information and the offering of resources.


This briefing is posted on the Synod website and on the blog each week, so there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


Best wishes





We continue with our series of brief training videos around a number of Holy Habits.  The first seven are now on the Synod YouTube channel - and the eighth, some practical reflections on Sharing Resources with Lindsey should be posted (as I write) over the next day or so.


Number 6, which was posted belatedly, for which apologies, offers a slightly different approach, giving an example of an intergenerational reflection around Communion using the methodology of Godly Play.  Should you wish a version of this one without the introduction, so just the presentation of the story to play in worship or similar, you will find a shorter version of this video which omits the introductory comments on Paul’s YouTube channel.  The direct link is



Families at home – The parable of the talents

Story time for the Under fives


Singing together

Give thanks with a grateful heart - Makaton signed by Becky George


A prayer

when our path in life feels very hard,
thank you that you show us the way.
When we do not know what to do,
thank you that you
The P
give us

gifts to serve you.
When we don’t feel important,
thank you that you trust us to be partners in your kingdom.


Reading, watching, and listening together

Matthew 25.14-30

The Parable of the Talents - A Godly Play story with Paul


Jesus told this story: ‘Before going on a journey, a man sent for his three slaves and put them in charge of his property. He gave five gold coins to the first slave, two gold coins to the second and one gold coin to the third. The slave with five coins used them to buy and sell and made five more. The slave with two coins used them to buy and sell and made two more. But the slave with only one coin dug a hole and hid his master’s money in the ground.

‘A long time later, the master returned and sent for his slaves. The one who had received five gold coins came forward saying, “Master, you gave me five coins, and I have made ten.”

‘His master said, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave! You have proved I can trust you with a few things, so I will put you in charge of many.” The one who had received two gold coins came forward, saying, “Master, you gave me two coins, and I have made four.”

‘His master said to him, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave! You have proved I can trust you with a few things, so I will put you in charge of many.” The one who had received one gold coin came forward, saying, “Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, so I was afraid. I decided to hide your coin in the ground to keep it safe. Here, have it back.”

‘His master was furious. “You lazy slave!” he shouted. “You should have put my money in the bank, where it would have earned interest and made more.” He took the coin from him, gave it to the slave with ten and ordered, “Throw this useless slave out!”’


Mini Bible story with actions - Don’t hide things

Jesus said, ‘Use the things that you have been given.
Hold out hands.
Don’t just hide them.
Tuck fists under arms.
Use them to make something wonderful.’
‘Grow’ hands up in air.

Praying together


 Prayer Bricks

Using Building bricks or blocks write the words Bless, Sorry, thank you, and help on the bricks or write on stickers you can put on the bricks.  This works with Jenga bricks too.   Put the bricks in a bag and shake them up.  Take it in turns to take out a brick.  Prayer a prayer for each of the different bricks that you take out

Dear God Please bless…

Dear God I am sorry for…

Dear God thank you for…

Dear God please help…



As you pray your prayer add your brick together to build a tower.



These are now sold out across the denomination.  HOWEVER, you can make your own.  Information on how to do this is (or will be) posted on the Synod website.



A conversation – Join Nicola on Zoom Friday 13th November 2.30pm

Nicola Grieves is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 0971 9837



Wednesday 18th November 7 – 9.30pm

A reminder of our ‘overview’ training for new trustees or those looking for a refresher.  Also helpful for Ministers and those considering Eldership/ church leadership.  This session will be led by the Moderator and the Mission and Training Officer.  Please email Lindsey to register; the link will be sent out on the day.



Just a reminder to refresh your outside space, so that the community knows how you are being church while the buildings are closed again.



Activities around the Synod (please let us know your own churches’ plans, to add to the list on the website).  All with the caveat to do so with due care for your church members and wider community, according to current regulations and common sense…

·       Christingle (remember too Nicola’s Christingle conversation this Friday 13th  November - see above)

o   ‘Walk-through’ Christingle (The Cornerstone, Southend)

o   ‘Christingle-in-a-bag’, delivered to the doorstep

·       Online Lessons and Carols (pre-recorded singers / musicians and readers, and/or live online with everyone else muted)

·       Advent course online

·       Advent reflections online

·       Advent windows across the village / town, to be spotted and prizes awarded for finding them (Mark Tubby at Dovercourt Central Church)

·       Filming a live Nativity retelling or tableau; editing and uploading

·       Record a local school singing carols, to include in a service

·       Decorate churches as usual during Advent, especially for those services being recorded in the building and those churches open for private prayer

Mission Committee were excited by the creativity being shown by the churches.  The emphasis was on to trying to avoid cancelling things, and on finding new things to do or new ways of doing them: please let us have your ideas, or get in touch if you’re looking for some inspiration



The Steering Group have released materials for Advent, based on the Psalms from the lectionary.  Please use / circulate freely.



Monday 23rd November, 2-4pm

How has the most recent lockdown affected you?  How are you feeling about other national and global events?  How are you approaching Christmas at this time?  How are you supporting others who are struggling? Join us for an informal chat to share ideas for managing and thriving in these difficult times.  Email Lindsey for a link:



Trevor Hahn, the Synod Church Growth and Evangelism Advocate, helps us reflect:

It seems hard that just as things were starting to ease somewhat we have now entered a second lockdown with the challenges and isolation that come with it.  We certainly need to remain cautious and I pray you all remain safe and well.  But that does not mean that we should just hunker down, batten down the hatches, withdraw inside ourselves and ride out the storm of this virus and its consequences and only re-emerge once it has passed.

I have been spending some time looking at the story of Isaac in Genesis chapter 26.  Isaac, the son of Abraham, was living in the time of a famine in the land.  The scripture implies Isaac was looking to go down to Egypt presumably to find food but God told Isaac to stay where he was, reminding Isaac of the promise He gave his father Abraham, that God will be with Isaac and will bless him, and through his offspring all nations will be blessed.  And Isaac obeyed God and remained in the land where he was and instead of holding on to what he had, storing it, rationing his food, saving it so he would have something to eat during the famine scripture tells us that Isaac planted crops.  At a time when it might be sensible to reduce investment, reduce sowing and planting to keep what he had for food during this time of famine, when planting crops made no logical sense, as during the time of a famine you certainly do not expect a harvest from the seeds you sow, Isaac forewent keeping his seed for today’s provision and sowed the seed, and invested it for the future.    At a time of famine and immediate need Isaac looked to the future.   He made a sacrifice today to receive a blessing and provision for the future.  And scripture says that ‘the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.’ 

To read on – please go to the posting of the full article on the Synod website –

Newsletter - November 2020



A reminder that a wide variety of resources with a rural perspective, though many suitable for wider use, are available from the Arthur Rank Centre.  Please go to –

Together Apart: A rural church response to coronavirus from the Arthur Rank Centre


THIS is Interfaith Week.  It is probably too late to do something, unless it has already happened or is under way, but there are lots of good resources, which can be explored or used at any time on the Interfaith Week website -



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –




by ROBERT OGDEN (Synod Interfaith Advocate)


Heavenly Father,

Your world is an amazing place of diversity and creativity and we thank you for this. We thank you that this range is shown to us through human life and that we are all created in your image. We recognise that faith is expressed in different ways, through denominations and belief and so we give thanks for faith communities who gather together in faiths and beliefs that may be both similar and different to our own.

In inter faith week, help us to be welcoming and open to our friends and neighbours who may not believe as we do. Help us to “love our neighbour as ourselves” as Christ taught us. Help us to listen and to respect those of different views and beliefs and enable us to work alongside others from differing backgrounds, culture and beliefs.

We pray for people of all faiths and none who have become refugees and have had to flee their homes because of war or intolerance and for all those who help to alleviate their uncertainty and fears.

We pray for families who, as an impact of COVID, have an uncertain future or have lost their homes and their livelihoods, whatever their faith, their backgrounds or their circumstances.

Father bless all who believe and give each one of us the strength to share the peace that surpasses all understanding during this Inter-Faith week in 2020.          Amen



Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:


Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172