Wednesday 21 October 2020

Twenty-Eighth Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19




Dear All


With a second spike, and its accompanying challenging numbers and different tiers, we remain in very challenging times.  Pray for those who have to make difficult decisions and those facing particularly challenging problems.


Do let others know that this information exists.  Please pass it on to anyone you think might find it (or any part of it) useful, and who may not be getting it.


It is posted on the Synod website and on the blog each week, so there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


 Best wishes






Advice from the Synod Moderators:

At this stage, it is not possible based on infection rates or other criteria to give a definite point at which a local United Reformed Church should close as Covid-19 rates increase.  Current Government guidance in England, Scotland and Wales allows places of worship to remain open even when higher levels of alert and restriction are in place, although the “fire-break” lockdown in Wales WILL require places of worship to close to the public, which includes for acts of worship.

However, the United Reformed Church stresses that whilst Governments allow churches to remain open, this is permissive, and not an obligation.  The Elders’ Meeting (and equivalent council in LEPs) are best placed to understand and assess the risk locally, bearing in mind the nature of the premises, and the activities that take place (including worship and other church-related meetings and groups) and external lettings.  Due consideration needs to be given the vulnerability of the people.  Without the appropriate volunteers to manage activities and the premises, churches will not be able to maintain Covid-secure buildings, in which case activities must cease until that can be remedied.

Further, churches are reminded that Risk Assessments are not documents to be created and then ignored.  It is essential to actually put into place the mitigations identified in order to open and operate safely.  Equally, when risks alter, the “venue managers” or “person responsible” (in Government terminology) – almost always the Elders’ Meeting within the United Reformed Church – will need to consider whether the changed circumstances require changes in practice to further reduce the risks prevailing, which might include closing for a time.  When a church enters the Tier 3 (Very High) risk level in England and any equivalent state should a similar system be developed for Scotland and Wales, we strongly encourage the Elders’ Meeting to consider whether it is now appropriate to close for worship and other non-essential activities (which would leave foodbanks, support groups for vulnerable people, etc. able to continue to operate as they did during the national lockdown).  Whatever decision is taken by the Elders, they should document the reasons for their decision.  This does not place an obligation on churches in the highest risk areas to close, but it is a strong encouragement that this is considered.

In all cases, if Governments tighten up their position, churches must follow that Government policy and regulation, and nothing here is intended to supersede that guidance.



If you have questions about test and trace and/or using QR codes, you might well find the answer at –




Our new series of training mini videos is now under way.


This week Nicola takes a Intergenerational look at the Breaking of Bread – you should find it easily (once it has been uploaded, hopefully, but not guaranteed, on Thursday morning), if you go to the Synod YouTube channel -


We are taking a half term break, so there will be no new Holy Habits material next week – but we will be back in two weeks’ time with a Biblical/Theological look at Giving (Sharing Resources).



Advent Hope & Joy is a kit that can be given to families to show that the church remembers them, cares for them and wants to connect with them, and are sized so that they can be posted through letterboxes.

Inside each oversized A4 red box is a wealth of material to enable people of all ages to discover a little hope and joy in this most difficult of years. Over the six weeks from the start of Advent to Epiphany, six aspects of the Christmas story are explored. Each week has a pack with ideas for activities which range from quick and simple to more complex (and tasty!).

Each box includes: Colours of Christmas story book; A3 colouring sheet and Christmas story ‘spot the difference’ puzzle; weekly activities; colouring pencils; gold pen; labels; cookie cutter; tea light candle; postcards; wooden star; wooden crown; Walking the Way foot and cord;

stained glass window to decorate and display; Nativity set to make; conversation starters; craft ideas; reflective activities; social justice engagement; prayer practices; a link to the weekly Families on Faith Adventures@Home online resources for deeper faith-focussed engagement.

We have pre-ordered boxes and they can be ordered direct  from Nicola at a cost of £2 per box



Families at home 21st October

Story time for the under fives

Be thankful -  counting your blessings


Singing together

Song - Build Up

an idea for actions for Build Up


Listening and watching together

An all age reflection

‘strong and gentle’ is A reflection on Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians 2:1 - 8


Praying together

Feather Prayers

A reminder of the need to be gentle

Hold a feather in your hand, touch the feather and feel and feel how gentle It is.

Think about the bible passage

Say together

Lord, help us to be gentle, to know when we need to be gentle and to have the strength to be gentle. Amen.


Strong and gentle prayers 

You will need: A ziplock or sealable bag, water and  sharp pencils
Fill the bag with water  leaving some space at the top and seal it.

What are the things that scare us and we worry about having to do? Where do we need to God to give us strength and help us to be gentle?    

Imagine the pencil is like the thing you are scared are worried might hurt or take our strength

away. We can pray to God to help us to trust in God and not rely on our own thoughts and understanding.

Get everyone to take a pencil while one person holds the bag securely. Holding the pencil and thinking of the things that worry you push take it in turns to push the pencil through the bag of water. Ask god to help you have strength and not to worry knowing that God holds us secure like the pencil in the water.

No Water leaks out until we remove the pencil!


Creating Together

Make a card to send to someone to show them you are thinking about them. 


Playing together

Playing with Oobleck

Think about the need to be gentle

Mix together two cups of cornflour and one cup of water in a large tray,

Help the children to make oobleck together by mixing the cornflour and the water in a bowl using a wooden spoon. Tip this onto a plate or tray.

Play with the oobleck without it becoming solid.  When you are gentle with it, the mixture is easy to move their fingers through. But if you force, hit or push the mixture, it becomes more solid.

Remember hat being gentle in our words and actions can often be the best thing, but sometimes it can be tricky to do.

You can try standing in the oobleck. Stand too long and you sink into it, jump on it and it is solid.  It is messy to best to protect your surfaces or do it outside.



Many thanks to all those who joined us for our first Quiz Night on Monday.  It was yet another learning curve for working with online platforms, but everyone seemed to have a good time and it was down to a knife-edge at the end.  The winners were decided in the final round: the Norwich Dumplings, a group brought along by Audrey at Ipswich Road: your prizes are on their way!



Many churches have for some years held an alternative to Hallowe’en, often called Light Parties. These offer an alternative of light-filled fun on an evening otherwise filled with a focus on the dark and scary things.  Unfortunately these parties won’t be going ahead this year, but Churches Together in Epping and District have come up with a plan to fill the gap: they are making available party bags filled with treats for children aged 5-11.  They will be put together in plenty of time to be quarantined ahead of collection from the Parish Church at designated times.  If you want to know what is being included and how they are reaching families in the community please get in touch with Lindsey. Scripture Union is also making available packs to be downloaded and printed off at home:


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY  (please include in your church notices)

Elders’ Training                  3rd November     10am

Walking the Way ‘Day’       7th November     10am-1pm

Elders’ Training                  18th November   7pm (a repeat of the earlier session)



We hope that you are continuing to follow the progress of this campaign; if you have built a relationship with your church’s local MP please use the resources to raise the issues with them.  As always action is most powerful if done in conjunction with other groups, so use your local networks of churches, interfaith organisations, local outreach groups including Foodbank etc, to respond collectively.



We have two weeks left in October, a great ‘excuse’ to use the many resources on the Global and Intercultural Ministries new webpage



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –




AUCKLAND DIOCESE, NEW ZEALAND  International Anglican Women’s Network

Holy God, as we move

into being your church in new ways   

may we pray for and support one another,

and know the inner calm

that comes from faith in you.


Bless those who are sick

and those who are anxious and alone.


As we experience physical isolation may our social connections be made stronger.


As people of all nations may we unite in peace

so that your love will always be present.


Bless us through Jesus Christ our Liberator,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.  Amen



Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:



Our prayers and our best wishes,


PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


Wednesday 14 October 2020

Twenty Seventh Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19



 Dear All


A reminder again – do let others know that this information exists.  Please pass it on to anyone you think might find it (or any part of it) useful, and who may not be getting it.


It is posted on the Synod website and on the blog each week, so there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


Apologies – that we are a day late this week – and posting on the website will be delayed until Monday.


Take care in these changing and challenging times - and stay safe.


Best wishes






 Our new series of training mini videos is now under way.


This week Lindsey takes a Practical look at the Breaking of Bread – you should find it easily (once it has been uploaded, hopefully, but not guaranteed, on Thursday morning), if you go to the Synod YouTube channel -



To make it easier to find items on the Synod YouTube channel, the uploaded videos have now been sorted into playlists, so you should be able to find things more easily.

There are playlists for Story Time for Under 5s; All Age Worship Reflections; Holiday Club at Home; Worship Roadshows; and Holy Habits.



Children and Families

The URC Families at Home webpage:

Scripture Union have made available resources for Leaving Lockdown:

Nicola is on a well deserved break this week, so you have the reserve team (Paul and Lindsey).  Normal service will be resumed next week!


Story Time for the Under-Fives – Paul’s letters (with Lindsey)

Singing together – Thank you Lord for making me me


Gathering Prayer

O God, thank you for loving me.

Help me to know that you are with me always.

Show me the good things you want me to do.


Reading listening and watching together

God values us as we are -  an all age reflection (with Paul)

(The story of Brian the Camelephantelopelicanary)


Singing together  -  If I were a butterfly



Colour the butterfly

For a larger version to copy and paste go to -


OR make a butterfly mask, using the template here or your own design –


Categories:     ButterflyMasks

Author:      Lena London

Original image credit: 

Printable masks templates


 Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.


Or see the version of this template at –


OR make a bookmark – using this or your own design –





Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians 1:2 (TLB)

We always thank God for you and pray for you constantly. We never forget your loving deeds as we talk to our God and Father about you.

Table talk together

·        Why might Paul (or anyone else) thank God for you?

·        What loving deeds might you do?


Creative Prayers

Field of Children:

Materials: Small cardboard figures, pens, tray of damp sand or heavy soil, prayer on a large sheet:

God, please use ....      Help him/her work for you.

“we are all God’s fellow workers”.  (1 Corinthians 3:9)

God calls us all to work for him and to bring the joy of knowing him to others. We can all do something for God, however young or old we may be. As we place children into the tray, we can imagine adding people to God’s family.

  - Take a child shape

 - Write the name of a child on it

 - Place them into the soil or sand, adding them to God’s family

 - Quietly pray  - God, please use …   Help him/her work for you.


Pebble People:

Materials: small pebbles, a small mat or piece of carpet

“and the whole family was filled with joy”. (Acts 16:34)

God’s ideal is that children enjoy being part of a loving and caring family. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes families are not happy or safe places.

– Think of a child and family known to you

- Pick up a stone and place it on the mat, saying - This is a child

- Pick up another stone and say - This is the child’s mother (or carer)

- Pick up another stone and say - This is the child’s father

- Pick up two more and say - This is the child’s family

- Pick up two more and say - These are the child’s friends

- Look at your pile of stones, and quietly think of all the people involved in a family.


Thanks to: Jane Whitcombe Childrens Adviser for the Diocese of Bath & Wells


Playing together

Get some sweets or treats and hide them.  Then have a treasure hunt.  Before enjoying the treats, think of them as treasure – and that all playing the game are treasured by God.


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:, fellowship and more…

· Synod Quiz Night online            Monday 19th October                   7 for 7.30pm start           Last call! Register yourself / your team with Lindsey

· Elders Training online                 Tuesday 3rd November                 10 - 11.30am                     Sign up with Lindsey

· Discipleship Day online              Saturday 7th November               10am-1pm                         Looking up, joining in, reaching out… Sign up with Lindsey

· Elders Training online                 Weds 18th November                    7-7.30pm                          A repeat of Tues 3rd session; Sign up with Lindsey




The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) have now launched their radical ‘jubilee’ campaign. Get your church involved in campaigning for justice for those in our communities who have accrued unavoidable and crushing debt over the last 6 months. Find resources, the report and stories which can be used in your services on the website: The JPIT Facebook page is releasing new videos and information regularly:



We would like to particularly draw your attention to the new Legacies of Slavery webpages full of fantastic resources related to this theme, including accessible film and book lists, and particularly relevant right now as we are in Black History Month, although don’t feel constrained to only use it in October!



Catherine Fox’s new Advent Course ‘Living in Hope’ is now out, as is the new course for Lent 2021 ‘Caring for Creation’.  For more information on these and other York courses, please go to



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –




– If you want something shorter, go straight to the end and the closing prayer.

Each of these intercessions begins with an echo from one of the Psalms (slightly adapted in some cases) in order to root our prayer in Scripture and find inspiration there.

Trusting in God’s care for his children,

we pray in the name of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.


For those who are sick

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,

 your faithfulness to the clouds.

Psalm 36:5


We pray for those who are unwell due to the coronavirus:

in your compassion, grant them strength and healing.


For our health workers


In the day of trouble you answer us, O Lord, and you protect us;

you send us help and give us support.

Psalm 20:1-2


We pray for all who minister to the sick throughout our health service,

that they may renew their strength in you

and be channels of restoration and renewal for those who suffer.


For the anxious


You are near to the broken-hearted, O Lord,

 and you save the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18


We pray for all who are anxious about loved ones, friends and neighbours:

enable them to trust in you and be steadfast in hope.


For the lonely and the isolated

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

 I fear no evil; for you are with me.

Psalm 23:4


We pray for all those who feel isolated or alone,

that they may experience your loving presence.


For the strong and the vulnerable


Lord, you raise the poor and lift the needy.

Psalm 113:7


We pray that you would inspire those who are strong

 to care for the vulnerable

and to serve them in love.


For the Church


How can we sing your song, O Lord, in these strange times?

(cf. Psalm 137:4)


We pray for your Church who longs to praise you

 throughout this strange and confusing time;

through your creative Spirit

 fire our imaginations to proclaim your unchanging love in new ways.


For those in authority


We cast our burden upon you, O Lord,

 and you sustain us.

Psalm 55:22


We pray for all in authority who face difficult decisions

 that affect the lives of many;

grant them wisdom and courage.


For those engaged in research


O Lord, you are great and abundant in power;

 your understanding is beyond measure

Psalm 147:5


We pray for all engaged in research,

who are seeking to develop a vaccine and remedies for coronavirus:

grant them wisdom, understanding and effectiveness in their endeavours.


For traders and employees


Lord, you are our light and our salvation; whom shall we fear?

You are the stronghold of our life; of whom shall we be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

We pray for traders and employees who are fearful of the future,

that businesses may be secured, jobs protected and families supported.


For those who face hardship


The eyes of all look to you

 and you give them their food in due season.

Psalm 145:15


We pray for all those facing financial hardship

that you would support and sustain them.

We remember also those who seek to fulfil Christ’s command to love one another

through the work of foodbanks and charities

and through acts of simple kindness.


For those in education


Lord, you give strength to your people

 and you bless them with peace.

Psalm 29:11


We pray for all in education at this uncertain time:

inspire those who feel bored or directionless,

protect the vulnerable

and give fresh hope to the dismayed.


For the grieving


O God, for you alone my soul waits in silence,

 for my hope is from you.

You alone are my rock, my salvation and my fortress.

Psalm 62:5-6


We pray for those who weep and mourn,

that they may find comfort and hope in you.


Closing prayer

Lord of life,

in this time of crisis for our families and communities,

 our nation and our world,

we turn to you in faith,

 to seek your guidance

 and receive your blessing,

knowing that nothing in all creation can separate us from your love

 made known to us in your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

We ask this in the name of him

 who took our infirmities and bore our diseases,

 who suffered the cross and rose again triumphant,

for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

 ever one God, world without end.




Quotations from the Psalms are taken from The New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition), copyright 1989, 1995 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.



Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:



Our prayers and our best wishes,


PAUL                 07534 274668


LINDSEY                07801 352340


NICOLA                      07515 721172