Wednesday 20 May 2020

Using Church Buildings for Early Years Provision

Please note that this is my advice, as Synod Moderator, though having consulted with the other Synod Moderators, and has no status beyond that. However, at this time, and for the currently forseeable future, I would expect these elements to be considered prior to the opening of any early years provision in a church building, or its extension beyond being a facility for key workers in any situation where that provision has been offered though lockdown.

  1. A decision need to be taken locally and with attention to the context.
  2. A risk assessment needs to be undertaken.
  3. Social distancing needs to be maintained.  This may involve the use of 'bubbles' where 2 metre distancing cannot be maintained. However, groups of children should be kept in small units.
  4. An appropriate cleaning regime needs to be in place.
  5. Soft toys/fabrics need to be excluded.
  6. Insurers should be informed and you should check they are happy with this use.

I think it would be difficult to operate with young children under those circumstances, but that would be my current interpretation of what needs to be considered.

Revd Paul Whittle
Synod Moderator
20 May 2020

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