Tuesday 5 May 2020

Christian Aid Week 2020 - Online Resources

Love never fails: Online resources 

[To follow any of the links press ctrl + click]
Christian Aid Week 10 -16th May

·        Sunday 10 May, 1.00pm: Live-streamed Christian Aid Week service with Dr Rowan Williams which you will be able to sign up to soon.
·        Live daily reflections every day at 11 am from our staff and partners overseas.
               Worship resources for church leaders:
·        Order of service
·        Sermon notes
·        Prayers
·        Order of service - Welsh
·        Sermon notes - Welsh
·        Prayers - Welsh
               Fun quizzes for all the family:
·        Saturday 2 May, 7.30pm: Hosted by some of our exciting famous friends, put your thinking caps on for our live-streamed quiz which you will be able to sign up to soon
·        Sunday 10 - Saturday 16 May, 7.30pm: Daily fun quizzes for the whole family throughout Christian Aid Week. Sign up using the link below.

               Virtual fundraising resources:
·        How to run a virtual quiz
·        Share our e-Envelope with your church, friends and family
Online resources for prayer and action
               Resources for leading prayers  
·        Praying apart, together is our resource for praying for climate justice during a time of pandemic. It has ideas for how you could use a prayer chain to stay in touch with your church community.  
·        Prayers in a time of Coronavirus contains a few different types of prayer, ready to use.  

               Resources for solo prayer and reflection  
·        Praying apart, together is our resource for praying for climate justice during a time of pandemic. IT has some prayer points for solo prayer.  

               Resourcing your action for a better world  
·        Sign our petition to the Chancellor, and pass it on via email, Whatsapp and church notices to your friends. The petition calls for debt relief for the poorest countries in the world so that they have more resources to invest in healthcare to tackle the pandemic.  

·        Join one of our webinars to hear more about our latest climate campaign and plan how you can still build power for change, even during lockdown.  

·        Sign up to fill a slot on our prayer chain, and find resources to inspire those prayers.  

               Resources for self-nourishment  
·        Check out this care package for uncertain times from OnBeing.  

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