Wednesday 17 June 2020

Fourteenth Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19


Dear All

Greetings and blessings as some things get back to ‘a normal’ – but many others don’t. There is a lot of difficult decision-making to undertake as some things re-start, others are delayed, and still others probably change. Prayers and wisdom to each and every one in all of that.

I hope that our weekly circulating information continues to be helpful.  We are retaining all of the past ‘Coronavirus’ emailings, as well as associated and relevant documents, on the Synod Coronavirus blog -


Last week I wrote about the question of opening buildings for private, a new possibility offered by changes in the lockdown rules, which was originally due to be introduced on Monday, but, with a change of date, was formally introduced last Saturday. I remind you of what I said last week, which is a clear part of URC guidance – just because we may do something does not mean that we should!

Most URCs do not normally open simply for private prayer, and I wonder why we would do something that we don’t normally do with all the risks that are around these days.

However, should you decide it right to do this, please do first check the URC guidance - - and please note that this was updated on Saturday so, though it has not changed significantly, if you look at it prior to that, you should check again.

In particular, please note:
1) You are advised to check with the buildings trustees, which will mostly be the Synod Trust, and you can do that via me.
2) If you are opening for a limited period, it must not be a gathering where people meet for silent prayer. Any semblance of that remains a breach of what is currently permissible.
3) The document now includes links to the URC recommended risk assessment, and also a worked example of that.

At this point, we expect the next stage to be the giving of permission for public worship. Though the beginning of July has been mentioned, please do not assume it will happen, so avoid any firm plans until there is a definite date. When that is announced, please check for guidance, and, as with private prayer, do not assume that the best thing is to open at the earliest possible opportunity.

As the church, we want to model good practice, and we certainly do not want to be sources of transmission.


As mentioned previously, we have now put a list of churches within the Synod that are currently offering online worship on the blog. You can find it at -

This is not a complete list and if you are not it and would be happy to be added, please let the Synod Moderator know.

One has been added over the past week:

Bowthorpe Church (Norwich) has been offering online services since 22nd March. These are available at


As notified previously, the Synod Celebration Day, scheduled for this Saturday clearly had to be cancelled.  This has now been re-arranged.

Please put this in your forward-planning diaries – The EASTERN SYNOD BIG DAY OUT 2021 will take place on Saturday 26th June 2021 at Trinity Park, Ipswich.


The worship “roadshows” continue, and we want to continue to promote them as a useful resource.

Please pass the information on. The advantage of this method is that the material is there when you want it. To find them, please go to the Synod YouTube channel and look for the video you want -
We are also happy to email (or post) the written script to anyone who would like to receive it, either instead of watching, or to accompany the watching.  If you would like to receive the emailed script, please email Lindsey to request it –  - If you, or anyone you know who doesn’t have email, would like a posted script, please let one of us know by phone or email. 

This week, number 8, (available Thursday 18th) presented by Nicola, looks at using the Bible in all-age worship.


Do you have a photograph of how your church has said something to or about lockdown?  Perhaps a banner on the railings or a noticeboard?  If so, could you send it to Paul – – and we can share them in this briefing; but the incoming General Assembly Moderators and Secretary are also looking for some such photos as a background to their (online) induction. I would pass on any that seemed to fit that bill. Thanks!


Families at Home – Father’s Day

Reading watching and listening together

Story time for the under 5’s

Luke 15.1-3,11-32

The Lost Son Reflective Story with Nicola

Story: Postcards from your son

Dear Mum and Dad,
Having a great time!  Hotel is amazing.  The food is great lots of chocolate and cake to eat the best I can buy!
Your son

Dear Mum and Dad,
I have made lots of friends. Lots of parties and outing. Sadly, friends have no money but I have!
Your son

Dear Mum and Dad,
Decided to try camping, nice being my on my own friends seems to have gone away. Its cold and lonely at night.
Your son

Dear Mum and Dad
Found job feeding pigs.  Very dirty, cold and hungry.  Coming home. Any chance of a job?
Your son
(Adapted from an Idea from roots.)

Singing together

Father God I wonder

Sing and dance
Our God is a Great Big God

Praying together

Send a hug and a prayer

Make two hands and thread a heart between them on ribbon or string.

Think about someone you would like to send a hug to.

On the back of the heart write a prayer for the person you have been thinking about and post your special prayer to them.

Paper plate prayers

Draw a face on two paper, one happy face and one sad face.  Cut out some coloured shapes or if you have some you could use buttons.

Talk to God about how you are feeling
Place the coloured pieces on to the plates as tell God why you are sad or happy.   

Dear God I am happy when…
Dear God I am sad when…
Dear God thank you for…

You could also make faces for other emotions.

Prayer with actions

Loving God you make us very happy (big smile)
You love us so much (hug yourself)
And always will.
We’re so happy (big smile)
That you love us (hug yourself)
That we want to say ‘thank you’ (Thumbs up)

A prayer for Fathers

Lord God, you are the perfect Father to us all.
Bless all fathers in the world today.
Give them love, to share with their children.
Give them wisdom, to teach their children.
Give them courage, when the job seems hard.
Give them patience, when things don't go to plan.
Give them strength, to carry their children when they are tired or frightened.
Give them love, to share with their children, and let it be enough.
© ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020

Creating together

God Loves You

You will need
  • Coloured Paper
  • Card
  • Pens
  • Glue

Draw round your hands onto the card and cut out. Cut a long strip of coloured paper and stick the hand cut outs to each end to make arms.

Cut from the card a shape to be the head and body and make a face.  You could make it look like you!  Stick the head to the middle of the long strip of paper. 

Give yourself a hug and know that God is loving and forgiving and loves you.

Playing Together

Peg a message

Write God loves you on a clothes peg.  See how many times you can clip the peg to each other, in your family, throughout the week without anyone noticing you do it.  See how long it is before they notice the peg and wait to see where it turns up next!


Who:  For 11 to 18 year olds connected in any way with the URC. 

When: 7pm Fri 24 to 12.15 pm Sun 26 July 2020 (with breaks) 

Where: IN YOUR OWN HOME, VIA VIDEO LINK                                                            
Including: Intergenerational Worship on our You Tube channel at 10.30am on Sunday 

Book on our events and opportunities page or contact to find out more.
The programme has lots of opportunities for being together on line and lots of breaks.  There is also time, on Friday and Saturday evening, to have a social event together virtually.


The denomination has now created a very useful series of ‘how to’ guides. A good number of these concern the use of technology, but others have a much wider perspective and cover different areas. If you have not already done so, it is well worth checking out this resource –


·        From social distancing stickers and posters to seat cards, download free Coronavirus resources for churches
·        Visit for a range of practical resources including signs, badges and floor tape to remind people to stay apart and to wash their hands. More resources will be added to the URC website shortly. 


If you want to do a bit of thinking around where we are in these Coronavirus-driven times, there are, of course, lots of opportunities and ideas. There is a good selection of comments, blogs etc. on a page on the Churches Together in England website. If you want to check it out -

Organ Restoration Appeal surpasses Target
Chappel URC launched its £10k target in May 2019 to restore its historic pipe organ. In June this year, £11,600 has been donated, and after Gift Aid is claimed the total will be £12,500. We are grateful to all who have contributed. The estimated cost of the work is £14,200
Our ‘Good News’ story resulting from ‘Lockdown’: The restoration work on the organ has started already, two years before initially planned. Our self employed restorer requested bringing the scheduled work forward in view of the impending ‘lockdown’ of his regular work of organ tuning and maintenance mainly in Anglican churches. As a result, the work is well under way with parts of the instrument strewn around the church and most of it at his workshop.  The organ will start to be reassembled during July and hopefully in playing order during August.

Just a reminder that the coronavirus advice page on the URC website is being updated with resources and advice on a daily basis:

Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:

Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL                 07534 274668

LINDSEY                07801 352340

NICOLA                      07515 721172


Written by Revd. John Campbell, Minister of Tottenham URC:

Prayer may not halt the pestilence  
Here’s a song about prayer. It was written for a ZOOM service where we were looking at Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Matthew 5. Jesus says that God already knows what we need. So why pray? We looked at Jesus in Gethsemane. Praying didn’t change God’s mind, but it changed Jesus’ ability to overcome his fears and do what he had to do. Prayer changed him. That’s what the song is trying to pick up:

Suggested tune: Finlandia

Prayer may not halt the pestilence around us;
it did not save our Saviour from his fate.
Harsh famine’s curse defied the prayers of many,
time after time, exacting grievous hurt.
Yet, if we pray, and share life’s pain with Jesus,
we will be changed and strengthened while we wait.

Prayer may not bring an end to all injustice;
too many died whilst Naaman found his cure.
Yet, prayer by prayer, we and our world are changing,
if by prayer’s power our hearts grow strong to care;
if we reach out, empow’red by prayer, in action,
then hope may help the fearful to endure.

And if the cup of suffering set before us
proves deep and bitter ev’rywhere, for all,
our prayers must help us work within the wasteland,
give strength to rise up, even when we fall;
that help and care and kindliness and sharing,
may build anew a better world for all.                     John Campbell 30th April 2020



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