Monday 21 December 2020

Thirty-Sixth Emailing - Being Church in the Context of Covid 19



Dear All


As we look to a somewhat different Christmas, may you know the blessings of this season of the year and, as we find ourselves amid the turmoil of a somewhat challenging world, that challenge coming from different directions, may we all know the peace, joy and hope that the nativity brought into this world.


We have been pleased to produce these weekly briefings and hope that some of the information and resources have been of use.  We are going to take a ‘Christmas break’ and so there is rather more by way of resources in and through this week’s briefing, and we hope that is useful to you.


We will be back in the new year, on January 6th, and plan to keep the briefing going for the time being, while Coronavirus continues to have a major impact.


Of course, personally, I won’t be back with the briefing, as my role finishes with the end of the year.  I confidently leave this in the hands of Lindsey and Nicola who have shared with me the preparation of what we have offered.


My formal farewell will be at the March Synod (on the 20th).  Keir, as Synod Clerk, suggested that to me, and it seemed a highly suitable and sensible suggestion, to which I was pleased to agree.  I look forward to seeing many of you then.  Needless to say, I am disappointed that these last months have been a time in which I have not been able to travel around the Synod as would normally be the case, and so I am sorry it will have been longer since I have ‘properly’ seen many of you than would have otherwise the case.  However, many colleagues are facing similarly strange comings and goings.


I don’t want to anticipate what might be said on March 20th, but I do want to say, through this medium, that I have had twelve and a half great years as your Synod Moderator.  I did think it was going to be a little longer, but God had other ideas.  I am excited about going to Scotland.  That’s where ministry started for me, but I am extremely sorry to be leaving Eastern Synod, though I do so confident in the knowledge that there are good people looking after things until my successor is in place.  God’s blessings on you all.


The weekly briefing is posted on the Synod website and on the blog, though won’t appear on the blog until Saturday this week.  However, there is no need to get the reminder email to access it.  All past emailings and related documents remain on the Synod coronavirus blog -


Best wishes






Until a new Synod Moderator is in post:

Revd. Paul Ellis will be the contact point for ministers;

Revd. Cecil White will be the contact point for churches/pastorates;

Revd. Roy Fowler will be the contact point for ecumenical matters;

Revd. Lis Caswell will be the contact point for any matters in connection with ministerial candidacy;

Revd. Nigel Uden will chair Synod and deal with any disciplinary matters;

Revd. Mark Ambrose and/or Ms. Lindsey Brown can respond to any questions around mission, mission initiatives and mission projects.


All contact details are in the Synod Yearbook or contact be made via the Synod Office staff.  Jane Langford-Horder remains the PA to the Moderator (even without a Moderator for the time being.)


The work towards appointing a new Synod Moderator is well under way under the leadership of the Synod Clerk, Mr. Keir Hounsome.



These are to be found on the Synod YouTube channel -


Families at home –  Advent 4 & Christmas

Story Time for Under-fives – Nativity Story

A song to listen to

Scripture Lullabies - Emmanuel


To sing together

A Band of Angels


Candle prayers

4th Sunday of Advent prayer

Today we light four candles

We light his candle of hope,

We light this candle of peace

We light this candle of Joy and today we light a candle of love.

We look forward to Jesus coming

Help us to share you love in our homes,

our families and in our communities



Christmas Day

Living God all the candles are lit

All our preparations are done

And all our hopes are met

In Jesus Christ today




Light a candle , Light a candle

Let it shine, Let is shine

Welcome baby Jesus, Welcome baby Jesus

It’s Christmas time, it’s Christmas time

(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)


Reading together

Advent 4 Luke 1.26-38

Use some objects to create the scene of Mary’s house. Sit in the space and talk about what you can see. If possible, have different people pretending to be Mary and the angel and to read their lines, and someone else to read the rest of the text. Or you can just read the story aloud.

Mary was alone in her house when suddenly, an angel appeared. The angel said, ‘God has chosen you and is very near!’ Mary was worried and didn’t understand why he said this to her. The angel said, ‘Don’t be scared. God is pleased with you. God wants you to be the mother of his Son. You must call him Jesus.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How will this happen?’ The angel said, ‘The power of God in the Holy Spirit.’ Then Mary said, ‘I will be God’s servant. I will do what he wants me to do.’ Then the angel left her.


 In the sixth month after Elizabeth became pregnant, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth. He was sent to Mary. She was engaged to a man called Joseph. The angel came to her and said, ‘Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you!’

But Mary was confused by what he had said and wondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. You will become pregnant and give birth to a son. You must call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God. The Lord God will make him a king like his father David of long ago. King of a kingdom that has no end. King of all God’s people.’

Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, because I am not yet married?’

The angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come to you. The power of the Most High God will cover you. So the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. Your relative Elizabeth is also six months pregnant, even though she is old. For nothing will be impossible with God.’

Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.’

Then the angel left her.


An Action Story

Teach the following actions: Angel – flap arms like wings. God – raise both arms to the sky. Mary – kneel on the floor. Son – fold arms as if gently rocking a baby in them. Slowly read the story, encouraging the children to join in with the actions associated with the key words, each time they hear them.


Watching and listening together

Advent 4 reflection with Nicola

Christmas Day  - Jesus is Born  from CEV bible with illustrations form The Scottish Bible Society.

Christmas Day Reflection with Nicola

All films are available through the website or on the Eastern Synod You tube channel.


Praying and creating together

Look at the stars in the night sky and stars in your Christmas decoration perhaps you have star on the top of your Christmas tree. Remember all your family and friends who are under the same sky even if we cannot be together.  God makes us one family.  Ask God to bless and protect all those you care for and all those who care for you.



Star Craft & Prayer

Cut out the star template and fold along the dotted lines.


Fold the long lines upwards and short lines downwards. Once folded glue the tabs and stick to a backing paper.  You could use Christmas paper for this.  Find somewhere to hang your star. 


Sing together

(Sing to the tune of Twinkle, twinkle little star)

Twinkle, twinkle star so bright,

guiding us with Gods own light.

Like you shone where Jesus lay

Jesus helps us day by day.

Twinkle, twinkle star so bright,

guiding us with Gods own light.


An action prayer

There were angels in the sky (make wings with fingers)

And there were shepherds in the fields (make rolling fields)

There was a star shining brightly (wave your fingers in the air)

But most of all there was a baby lying in manger (rock a baby in your arms)

Thank you for being born as one of us




Nativity Figure prayers

God who journeys with us,

as we get ready for Christmas

help us to remember Mary and Joseph

getting ready for their journey to Bethlehem on a donkey

and getting ready for the birth of Jesus in a stable.



God who continues to delight and surprise us,

when we have surprises at Christmas,

help us to remember the shepherds

who were surprised to hear the angels singing

and find the baby Jesus in a stable.



God with us,

when we visit family and friends at Christmas,

help us to remember the wise men

who travelled such a long way to visit the baby Jesus.


God, the source of all gifts,

as we look forward to receiving presents at Christmas,

help us to remember the special gift of baby Jesus,

who brings hope to everyone.



Nativity Figure template available from the Eastern Synod Website.


Creating together

Christmas tree Manger decoration

Stick two lolly sticks together to form a large triangle at the top and smaller triangle to make the legs of the manger.  Cur a triangle of card to fit  the larger triangle and colour it brown.  Cut an oval shape to make the face  for the baby.  Use some raffia or straw to tuck inside a triangle of  card to make the manger and to make the hanger.



Exploring Eldership and Church Leadership

Following on from our overview of the role of Elder / Trustee in our churches. Suitable for all those in team leadership: ministers, stewards, deacons, elders and more. Online; max 90 minutes. Please email Lindsey to register.

  • Local Church and Mission   January 7th 7.30pm
  • Local Church and Worship   January 13th 7.30pm
  • Local Church and Pastoral Care   January 20th 7.30pm

·        Church Secretary Training   January 27th 7.30pm



Stepwise is the URC’s discipleship development programme, which we had planned to launch at last March’s Synod Meeting.  This meeting was cancelled, and the limitations of being online meant that we weren’t able to fit it in in October.  We will now be launching an online Stepwise group in late January as a way of introducing the programme to the Synod.  If you would like to learn more, please watch this film, or to join us please contact Lindsey.



There are resources available for you and your local churches to join in praying together for Christian Unity.  Please see the attached documents or the CTBI website:



Sadly, people will always seek the opportunity to defraud.  Apparently, there are those who are phoning elderly and vulnerable people offering to book their vaccination and asking for their bank details as there is a payment to be made.  There is no such payment needed.  Do avoid responding to any such calls.



All the latest information (and links to resources) from the United Reformed Church is on the Coronavirus Advice page of the denomination’s website –





Lord, bless us and keep us in these strange times.

May we know the peace that we can find only with you.

Help us to look forward to a less restricted time,

though looking for the benefits of a good ‘new normal’.

May we know the joy that we can find only with you.

And bless those who struggle the most with where we are.

Be with those who face the bigger challenges of these times,

whether those of self-isolation, of being a key worker,

of missing those we cannot see, of having to make difficult decisions.

Guide us in your ways.

May we know the hope that we can find only with you.

So, bless us now and always.  Amen.



Finally, just a reminder from Lindsey, Nicola and myself that we are still there for you and, if there is anything you think we might offer, or you just want a chat, then do contact us:


Our prayers and our best wishes,

PAUL               07534 274668

LINDSEY               07801 352340

NICOLA                                 07515 721172


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